Review : Luxury Ayana Hotel with Bali Stone (Green Stone, Limestone, Lava Stone, Yellow Stone) Ayana Hotel is Luxury Resort from Bali (Indonesia). This Hotel has Complete Facility with low cost Hotel. Ayana Hotel is one of 78 Luxury Pool Villas  with majestic ocean view in Bali. Facilties on this villa are Swimming Pool, Spa, Take a rest, Dining, Wedding, make a event, meeting room, etc. Complete facility from this villa make us can do anything…

Slate Stone – Brown Bali Templek Stone

1. About Slate Stone In the International market, we know this stone as Slate Stone. Slate Stone Indonesia is formed by intrusion of andesite stone. The characteristic of this stone are has a small pourous, has multi layared arrangement make it is easy cleaved into thin plates. Common color of Slate Stone is gray and Black. This stone usually…

About Bali Stone Tiles (Green Sukabumi Stone, Bali Swimming Pool Tiles)

1. Who We are? We are Natural Stone Manufacture from Indonesia. We have supply to many country from Australia, America, Australia, Asia and Africa. Our Manufacture can supply high Quality Green Stone Sukabumi,  Black Lava Stone, White Limestone, Cream Limestone, Andesite, Black Basalt, Yellow Sandstone, Slate Stone, etc. We can Produce with high detail size of Natural Stone tiles with Tolerance to…