Kenoa Beach Spa and Resort Brazil is one great Resort in Brazil. This Kenoa Beach Hotel has many amazing facilities. This beach Hotel make the visitor will very satisfy because we can feel beach when stay in this location. This beach hotel sensation make many value for visitor. Kenoa Beach & Spa also provide many service and facilities like Spa, Swimming Pool, Private Pool, etc.

Source : Instagram/casasemfronteiras

Source : Instagram/thiagopeixotorjsp
Awesome Design of Green Sukabumi Pool Tiles
The Kenoa beach spa & Resort also make fantastic design of swimming Pool. The Outdoor Swimming pool is make with larger size and unique photo booth. The Unique Photo both make the People can Take a photo when swimming in the swimming pool. We can take the photo from the photo both (window area). It’s very interesting for many visitor and different thing from other hotel.

Source : Instagram/viajando_com_fernanda.martins
Otherwise, The swimming Pool also using the best Green Swimming Pool Tiles from Natural Stone Indonesia. The Natural Stone is Green Sukabumi Pool Tiles. This Green Swimming Pool tiles is one best Natural Stone for Pool because give many Benefit for the Pool. First, Green Swimming Pool Tiles can make the swimming Pool has elegant Green Natural Appearance.

Source : Instagram/caiotravels
Second, Green Sukabumi Pool Tiles also can make the Green Swimming Pool has more clean water from microorganism. It’s because Green Sukabumi Pool Tiles has Zeolite substance. This Zeolite Substance will Kill some microorganism. Next, Green Swimming Pool Tiles also can make the water has stable temperature. It’s make the pool will has great temperature in sunny condition.

Source : Instagram/annafelizola
Sukabumi Pool Tiles also can make the Green Swimming Pool Tiles can survive for long and all condition. It’s make this Natural Stone will not easy to broken or crack in high pressure. That some review for Kenoa Beach Spa & Resort, Brazil. For more review, please check our other article. For more detail information about Green Swimming Pool Tiles, Please don’t hesitate to contact Us.