Plain Andesite Stone Tiles (Amazing Grey Andesite Tiles Indonesia)

Another Grey Andesite Tiles with Plain Face and Grey Dark Color. This Andesite Stone has material likes Black Spot Andesite but has little Black Spot on the face. Plain Andesite can use for many part of building likes Wall, Tiles, Floor, etc. This Special Andesite Stone Tiles can Survive from all condition. On Above Picture, we can see Amazing Sample of Grey…

Andesite Black Spot Stone Tiles (Elegant Andesite Stone)

Black Spot Andesite is one greatest Andesite because has Black spot on The Andesite Stone. Andesite Black Spot is very Elegant and Special Stone because The Black Spot Appearance. In below we will show you Andesite Black Spot. On above picture we can see the Sample of Andesite Black Spot. This Black Spot Andesite has same style with Andesite Grey. With…